On Sunday the 20th March it didn't rain!
We joyously went ahead with our Combined Bowls/Bocce Day. It involved 40 players in 10 teams of 4 who rotated from Bowls to Bocce for a turn at each. The team with the most points won the overall prize money!
Our Bocce members were kept busy explaining the rules of their beloved Italian game to delighted Lawn Bowlers who, in turn, taught them their game.
There was much laughter and friendship which was made even more wonderful by a delicious lunch of sausage sandwiches fresh from the BBQ.
It had been two years since we had been able to stage this event so that made it even more enjoyable!
Thank you and well done to everyone who helped organise the day, especially Steve Sampson who not only made devised the draw but was MC for the day.