It was with great pleasure, love and pride that two of our most beloved members received Life Memberships. During the Clovelly WBC AGM it was unanimously voted to make our President Betty Skinner a Life Member.
Nomination for Betty Skinner We would like to propose Betty Skinner as a life member of Clovelly Women’s Bowling Club. Betty has been an affiliated bowler for 15 years, all of that time at Clovelly. She has represented our club with pride and dignity, at Pennant and District /State level. She has been a selected player for Eastern Suburbs District in Regional events. Betty is a respected member of our larger bowling community. More importantly, Betty’s contribution to Clovelly Women’s bowling club has been nothing short of incredible. Her generosity of spirit within the club is well known and she is much loved and respected by all. As President for numerous years she has been counselor, welfare officer, taxi driver and friend to so many of our members. Betty has worked tirelessly to ensure that the women’s club at Clovelly has not only a competitive presence, but is also a club that has a caring and inclusive environment for all.
Betty is an admirable and worthy person who totally deserves the honour of life membership. Sue Snape, Treasurer Clovelly WBC
