2021 NSW State Women's Fours Round 1
We love to play bowls and we love the friendships we make here at our Club. So, as we watched our very own Gina O'Reilly, Sue Snape, Judith Staunton and Sandra Starrett play live on Facebook in the 2021 NSW State Women's Fours, you can imagine how excited and proud we were! We gathered at the Club to share the experience together and held our breath as every Clovelly bowl glided over the immaculate South Tamworth green towards the jack. And what a game! The women didn't let Neutral Bay onto the board until the 6th end! The competition was fierce and points rose in tiny increments until, on the 7th end Neutral Bay made 5. On the 9th end they were even with 7 each then by end 14 they were 13 each! At 18 ends our cohort were on 14 but the opposition were leading with 18. In the audience we could see our beloved Margaret and Terry Ireland snuggled together and cheering our girls on. The Irelands have been sorely missed since they moved to the Gold Coast a couple of years ago, so seeing them there was a huge delight! By the 21st end, victory was awarded to Neutral Bay ending the game after three hours. The score had been 14 to us and 22 to them at the 20th end and Neutral Bay held the last head. We didn't win but you wouldn't know it! We only wished we had all been in Tamworth for the after party! The caravan of players and supporters, including reserve Carmel Sowden, would have had a night to remember! I guess we will hear the stories when they return home! Thank you ladies for giving us all such an enjoyable experience! We can't wait to have you all home safely - anyone for roll up? Watch the game here.